i thought he was kidding-like when i heard heath ledger died. apparently it was suicide. like many other great artists, he must've been dealing with his share of internal creative demons.
his sp'10 collection left me without words. the prints, the shoes, the embellishments...it was sick. the models looked alien-like what the blue people in avitar should've looked like. his mind clearly works in an alternate universe.
i think this has to be (next to stella mccartney's watercolors) one of the most-photographed-in-editorials prints this season.
and we all know how much lady gaga *hearts* the shoes.

please put tilda swanton in this for the oscars and call it a day.

he was best known for being slightly macabre...morbid glamour at it's best.
F'06 was great...with the feathered (as in taxidermy not native) headpieces.

i loved SP'05. the sailor suits, the lace dresses, striped tights and candy colored palette...talk about ahead of the curve...it was like a watercolored 'alice in wonderland'

the collection had its misses...like the body armor trimmed in hair and the weird metal mouth guards that were far too similar to the not-so attractive head gear i had to wear to bed in junior high.

but who could forget those carousel dressers? if i were ever to get married, this would be the one.

RIP alexander mcqueen.
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